Ready for 2016?

As I prepare for 2016, I am taking a page from another psychic that I follow, Julie Bradsaw. She picks a word of the year.  This single word helps focus your thoughts and actions as well as bringing the power and support of the Universe, your Higher Power, and your Angels.  

My word for 2015 was Relief.  There were so many things that I was trying to shed from 2014. 2015 played out in an extraordinary way and everything lined up behind that word.  I became closer to who I want to be and shared much of that with people for the first time.  I loved 2015 and I am looking forward to what 2016 will bring.

That brings me to my 2016 word - Ignite.  I have the building blocks for so many things and for one reason or another I haven't let them take off.  2016 is the year.  Personally and professionally.

I can't wait to see what 2016 will bring.  I set some things in motion to start this.  Here are just a few: spent a wonderful day preparing for the year and rebuilding my website; clearing and refocusing my house; and (for my friends who have complained) finally ordered a new phone to replace my cracked screen.  

Ignite for certain.  

What is your word?  

All Meditation is Good Meditation - It is a Practice

Many people (myself included) struggle with meditation. It is hard to be still, hard to quiet your mind, hard to find the time, etc. Once I stopped listening to all of this self talk and tried the meditation, I liked the results. That is not to say that I still do not struggle with fitting in meditation and don't struggle with my mind straying while meditating.

A key learning to keep in mind is:

All meditation is good meditation.

Here are some resources that I have found to help me meditate lately: