Struggling with Anxiety?
/What causes you anxiety? Truth be told, this newsletter causes me anxiety.
This newsletter is my main way (in addition to my Instagram) of reaching out to my clients. You might not know it, but - I took a 5-month break from writing this newsletter last year. Sadly it wasn’t a break. For 5 months I had it on my to-do list. But I avoided this newsletter because of my anxiety and thought of it every day. Why did I take a 5-month break from it last year?
Because I had anxiety over it. With my clients, it is important to get to the root of what is causing the issue. So I did some digging and found the root issue for my newsletter anxiety. On the surface is a fear of being judged, but the deep issue is growing up with undiagnosed ADHD. I didn’t match my potential in class and that rears its head when I write anything. So, my work on the underlying fear got me to write more often.
Then I worked on my underlying issues, and I started writing again. This is my 3rd in a row monthly newsletter.
I am sure this holds true in your life in a way, so how can you move through anxiety?
You probably have heard the tips, and I have shared some over the years:
Focusing on your breathing
Making a list of what you are grateful for
Doing something relaxing
Working out
And the list could go on. These individually are actually pretty effective – but when they are not, what can help?
That is when it’s time to get to the underlying cause.
Some of my favorites in healing the root causes of anxiety are hypnosis, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Reiki or other types of energy healing.
I would say about 50 percent of my sessions involve sending to some sort of alternative practitioner like one of these – so if you know how you want to heal your anxiety and are looking for someone to help in those areas drop me an email with what type of practitioner you want to find. If you don’t know what type might work for you, you might consider setting up an appointment with me or another medical intuitive for guidance.