Have a Child that is Afraid?

People have been coming up to me lately and asking extremely similar questions.   It always starts, I have a boy and he is afraid.  These boys characteristics are similar:

  •  Generally are in the 7-8 year old range
  •  Energetic in nature with lots of stamina
  •  Appear to be afraid of nothing, on the surface
  •  Afraid to be alone, in actuality
  •  Fearful of the dark
  • Scared of the “voices” they are hearing
  •  Talk about hearing voices that scare or confuse them
  •  Drawn to crystals and if prompted might tell you they can feel their power

What does this mean?  The parents ask.  Should I take him to a doctor?  What can I do? 

To give some context, I have been sharing this with the parents. 

These children are very interesting.  Generally, their gift of insight and feeling is incredible.  Their intuition is very strong.  Those who have passed over recognize their abilities and have been communicating with them.  Some kids feed off of this while others are running scared.  These 7-13 (and a few older children  who have not shut it off) are on the precipice of squashing/hiding their abilities because of the fear.  

Why are they scared? The disconnect between knowing and seeing is extremely jarring.  According to Michelle Anthony, Phd, “At around 8, children develop the ability to consider the intent behind an action or choice, along with the ability to take another’s perspective.” They are also realizing what “ isn’t cool” and “isn’t proper”.  To talk with folks that you can’t see can fall into both of these buckets – it confuses and scares them.  Others even internalize the feeling that they are crazy. Since no one else talks about this then they are learning that it shouldn’t be something to talk about and that it definitely isn’t cool. 

I personally don’t think these kids are crazy – they have been given a gift that can be scary. Of course, talk to your doctor about any concerns that you have about your kids. 

I don’t know what this group of little wonders is bringing into the world.  My suspicion (would love to hear from others if you are running into this) that these kids are ushering a new era or age of children.   The gifts that these children will give the world are enormous, if they can come to grips and understand what gifts they have been given. The world will have to change and flex a bit to deal with the differences in these boys as well.  

So what can you do to support this new era of kids?

  1.  Talk with them (if this is what you believe) that when people pass over they go to a place like heaven.  Some special, gifted people can hear them from this space.  While it may seem odd, it is a unique gift.  Hearing these people can provide you with great insight and help you provide to others.  Right now, it may just feel strange or scary.
  2. Ask them what they hear.  Listen.  Listen a lot.  Ask them what they see.  Do they see colors?  People?  Animals?  Just listen.  This might be hard for some of them to talk about. 
  3. Tell them that they are in control.  These people don’t need to “bother” them.  They can work with them.  If at any time, they can say, I am busy, please leave me alone.  They should.  Or, they can just say “go away.” Those who passed over are here to serve them.  They are in control.
  4. They can ask to be surrounded only by those who serve them best. (or you can say this out loud for them)
  5. Surround them in a bubble of only their own energy. 

I would love to hear your stories and your response to this article.  Please contact me or email me atamy@clearerpath.com