All Meditation is Good Meditation - It is a Practice
/Many people (myself included) struggle with meditation. It is hard to be still, hard to quiet your mind, hard to find the time, etc. Once I stopped listening to all of this self talk and tried the meditation, I liked the results. That is not to say that I still do not struggle with fitting in meditation and don't struggle with my mind straying while meditating.
A key learning to keep in mind is:
All meditation is good meditation.
Here are some resources that I have found to help me meditate lately:
- Deepak and Oprah have teamed up to offer a free 21 day meditation series. I have done this in years past and enjoyed it.
- Dubbed Meditation for Busy People currently has a free daily meditation program - I like this one and have enjoyed some of the meditations this year.
- The app Omvana - has quick nice meditations (many of them for free) The app Breathe - has nice meditations (free) where you can choose the time that you have.
- Power 20 - this is part of a workout program that has 20 minute workouts. They have a nice morning and night meditation that I use. ($2.99)